Trauma Release

Trauma Therapy that Works

Trauma is a body memory. Our neurology remembers and triggers us whenever we are in situations that resemble our trauma. We also carry the genetic imprint of our family's trauma. You can rewire how you are hardwired and free yourself to live your most authentic life.

What is Evox

EVOX is a perception reframing biofeedback process in which clients receive balancing frequencies that target and unblock built-up toxic stress and excess energies in the body that accumulate in our neurology from trauma, family beliefs, inherited genetic patterns, and fear.

Everything is Vibrational

Maya is a cutting-edge Harvard psychotherapist trained over 20 years ago by one of the first companies to explore biotechnology and vibrational frequencies as a trauma healing tool. She quickly saw how the energetic make-up of our bodies could interface with technology. The mediator of this process is the heart and our emotional intelligence. PTSD became her focus in therapy, and the EVOX technology allowed for the removal of neurological triggers in a short time. The goal? To unwire our hardwiring.

EVOX makes it possible to generate maps of each person’s issues, fears, and blockages simply using voice pattern recognition to identify the held, carried, and stuck frequencies in our neurology. Maya sees such startling results in people's lives in just a few sessions. It is now clear that the mind is not in charge of healing, the heart and emotions are.

Let Go of Trauma for Good

In 1999 Maya noticed that although her clients and families were more aware and had greater tools in life, the triggers to unwanted behaviors and addictions, thoughts and fears still were active for most people. It became clear that talking therapy could not address the way in which we hold trauma in our bodies, through our negative thoughts, and the genetically inherited patterns.

She stopped practicing solely as a psychotherapist and began studying quantum physics and neurobiology and the impact of the "energy" of fear, trauma, war, abuse, and terrorism on our health, our beliefs, and the quality of our life.

Maya began working with new technology from a groundbreaking company called ZYTO. It was now possible to address how we hold trauma in our bodies and rewire ourselves in order to fully heal.

"I am absolutely convinced that it is our trapped emotions, traumas, anxieties, and unprocessed life experiences that we hold in our nervous system that are the source of everything that ails us.”

- Sonia Choquette

Innovation and Quantum Healing

Our cells have memory. Even ancestral memory. We are a composite of all our stories and the stories from our parents and grandparents. These intergenerational stories live in our body and our neurology and become repetitive triggers in our lives.

Our body carries all the memories of our past which dictates our future, our fears, and our relationships. The bridge to releasing these biological memories and all the triggers that go with them is the heart.

EVOX can assist you in rewriting the stories you hold in your body and create the story you were born to live. This process improves your quality of life exponentially.


This process integrates healing at all levels which talking therapies alone cannot do and is fast and effective.

Our Cells are a technology that turns all of our experience into biology. Raising your vibrational frequency, activating heart energy and releasing trauma will free you to manifest the life you deserve.

Releasing trauma allows you to leave your past behind and manifest your dreams in your present life.

What Can You Expect

The EVOX perception reframing technology understands that every emotion and thought has a vibrational signature which is revealed in our voice. As we speak about anything that we are working on, worried about, or have negatively experienced, you will,

  • Release addiction and negative relational patterns.
  • Reduce and eliminate phobias, obsessions, issues with food, sex, and money.
  • Heal family abuses, moving to deep forgiveness.
  • Relief from chronic pain and sleeplessness, chronic disease and life threatening behaviors and illnesses.
  • Conquer fear, eliminate PTSD, anxiety and depression.
  • Reconnect and realign with your spiritual integrity.

Simply Become Happier.


Depression and Anxiety

Emotions are stored in our body. Depression, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience. Using the EVOX you are able to reframe and rewire your thought patterns that lead to depression and develop new patterns in your life to achieve love and success.

Addiction and PTSD

Many individuals experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances that result in addictions. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events and drive us toward drugs, alcohol, sex, and gambling addictions. Prescription drug addiction to deal with emotional pain is an epidemic. We can help you overcome these symptoms of PTSD as well as physical addictions and guide you through the process of healing which will remove the cellular memory of trauma and free you to create your reality instead of react to it.


EVOX works on beliefs, resentments, and the emotional blocks that affect couples. Doing this perceptual reframing process with EVOX can strengthen emotional connection, in all stages of relationship. EVOX is great for couples who want to unwire their triggers, understand their projections, and will put you on the fast track to remembering why you fell in love in the first place.


A Pioneer

Maya’s background is in developmental psychology. She did her Master’s and Doctoral work in Counseling Psychology/Marriage and Family Therapy at Harvard Graduate School of Education and did post-doctoral work at the Kantor Family Institute in Cambridge, Ma. Maya practiced privately as a psychotherapist for more than 30 years. She now practices trauma release through the use of EVOX biofeedback-based technology and trains therapists and professionals in new trauma techniques and Quantum Healing. She has been a group facilitator and lecturer all over the world. Her specialized fields are PTSD, childhood trauma, autism, ADD/ ADHD, and Post-Concussion Syndrome. Maya no longer practices as a licensed psychotherapist but her 30 years as a therapist informs all the work she does.


"Maya is the perfect choice for a trainer for EVOX Perception Reframing Biofeedback Technology. Maya's skill sets developed over 40 years of practical experience as a psychotherapist, combined with her unparalleled wisdom and uncanny intuitive nature makes her uniquely special. When I met Maya, I felt like I had won the lottery. Thanks for everything.”

Katelyn K.

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